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 New member with '74 Stag

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MartinX Posted - 28/09/2010 : 20:41:09
Bought my Stag back in 2006, got 6 months use out of her until failed MOT, and has sat in the garage since.
This year have got some enthusiasm to do some work on her, and not being particularly skilled mechanically, have challenged myself to learn as I go, and hopefully share the successes and challenges that I'm facing - and hoping that people will give me some encouragement when frustrated, and possible solutions when I hit brick walls.
Started keeping a photographic log back in March when I started playing with it, and friends have suggested I should share the experiences - so this will be the way I do that.
My objective - well, she's never going to be concours, but I want something that has the potential to be a daily drive, - and have set a rather optimistic timeline of getting to Cologne in June '11 for the European Stag Meet.
Look forward to sharing with you all,

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stagdad Posted - 30/09/2010 : 17:43:28
Good colour Martin (well the white bits anyway).Got quite a challenge on your hands there,what about a fibreglass boot lid? ,i think you can get them where as new metal one's go for silly money when they come up for sale.Keep us updated
Cheers Steve
MartinX Posted - 29/09/2010 : 22:33:46
She's not a pretty sight at the moment, so don't have any photos of her in total, tend to just take horror pictures and progress snaps, will keep the forum updated.
But here is the front o/s with the rot removed - and am now teaching myself how to weld, will be using repair panels to replace the rot.

It's a tight budget, so if it's sound, it stays, if not, it's out.

More familiar to most Stag owners will be the boot lid - there must be a fundamental design flaw in this - not really sure of best way to tackle it, was held together with duct tape when i got her.

Suggestions welcome!!!!!

Stagdad Posted - 29/09/2010 : 20:35:08
Hi Martin and welcome,any pics? .Its taken a while for this site to get going but it is definatly picking up now

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