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 Triumph Stag Parts for Sale/Wanted
 Rover V8 in Stag conversion stuff

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Rudidudi Posted - 07/02/2011 : 23:32:23
Hi guys

Following a tidy up of the garage and loft I'm gauging any interest for sale of some bits I have. I made a start in getting things together last year but got distracted and never got round to selling them!

I bought the stuff many years ago but unfortunately had to sell my project (Stag with RV8 engine). Many of the parts are new and unused.

I'm planning to put the lot on ebay but I'm open to offers (as long as they're sensible).

All parts are in SW London and can be collected or delivery by courier.

Rover v8 alternator

Rover V8 Distributor - Lucas 35DLM8

Rover V8 SD1/P6? Lucas starter

Rover V8 SD1 rocker covers

Rover V8 snub (P5?) crank pulley. I bought this for a rover v8 in triumph stag conversion.

Rover V8 Offenhauser 360 degree inlet manifold

Holley 390 cfm (Rover V8 application 'LIST8007' & '0263' stamped on body)

Real steel typhoon cam - (new unused)

Rover V8 stainless steel exhaust manifold (new unused)

Stainless steel link pipes to Triumph stag exhaust system

Holley air filter cover

Rover V8 to Triumph Stag engine mounts and rubber

Rover V8 snub nose water pump

Snub nose water pump pulley (modified SD1? pulley)

Rover V8 in Triumph stag manual propshaft spacers (HE30 alloy & H/T bolts to facilitate use of standard Stag 4 spd O/D propshaft)

Rover V8 timing cover - early type P6?

Rover V8 SD1 timing cover #1

Rover V8 SD1 timing cover #2

plus other stuff is available that I haven't taken pictures of yet:-

* Triumph Stag manual 4speed overdrive propshaft
* Triumph Stag automatic propshaft
* Triumph Stag to RV8 conversion - power steering pump adjustable bracket kit to use standard Stag power steering pump
* Triumph Stag to RV8 conversion - aeroquip stainless steel high pressure P/S hose
* Triumph Stag to RV8 conversion - modified gearshift with adapter plates to facilitate rover gearbox connection
* Rover P6 V8 engine
* Rover V8 gearbox & bell housing
* SD1 heads x 2
* Rover V8 flywheel
* Rover V8 torque converter + flywheel
* Rover V8 Crank pulley (SD1?)

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
manstag Posted - 23/02/2011 : 15:26:26
hi rudi could you send me your phone number looking to buy rover conversion parts or call me on 07982973135 thanks mike

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