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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Eamonn Posted - 24/03/2010 : 16:30:55
Hi Folks, found you thru a google search had a looky round and signed up,
I'm married no kids 3 Dogs I work for the RAC in their insurance department, and been driving American cars and trucks for ages and am now thinking of getting a British Classic, with the Stag being quite high on my list.
so thought I'd see whats about and if any pitfalls, always loved the shape and being an American auto fan Love the burble of a V8, I've owned some rare and interesting cars over the years including Ford Capri rs3100 Mk1 never should have sold that one,lol, a couple of Jaguar XJs Ford Consuls/Cortinas Corsairs etc etc, A matra Simca Bagheera S, Chevrolet Camaros,Chevy Trucks lots incl current SS, Ford Thunderbird 1966, a few Chryslers UK and USA, A few Hot Rods, and Modified motors,and quite a few regular cars over the years wife reckons men don't grow up their toys just more Expensive ...
Anyway I'll be lurking for a while asking questions when i have some,and asking your advice when i find a possible suitable car, anyway that's me, if you need any help with insurance questions ;) let me know
all the best for now
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lewy Posted - 24/03/2010 : 20:43:29
Hello welcome to the forum sounds like you've had a great collection in the past - As for a Stag, I'd say you can't go wrong really, just have a good look when you decide to get one. Let us know how you are getting on with your search


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