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 New member with hood problems

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bill.B Posted - 20/01/2011 : 18:01:11
Hi all,just got my registration link today and am in need of some advice on how to fit a new hood to my existing frame. The problem is when I fold it down the hood material gets jammed in the mechanism,and is going to be damaged, is it better to fit it from the front or the back first.I would be grateful if anyone could tell me how much overhang material is around the rear panel where it locks on to the body. This is a great way to introduce myself I know but at least it will get everyone talking and maybe arguing to a point of success. No punch/ups please. Regards, BILL.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
V Mad Posted - 23/02/2011 : 15:30:51
Hi Bill
If you cant send me a message please call me on 07990 718377.

Chris (Surrey KT area, UK)
Stag 1978 Auto; Twin Weber, Custom Header tank.
Sunbeam Tiger 260 V8. 1965
Stagdad Posted - 25/01/2011 : 17:41:06
Bill it means "Private message" which you can usually do on most forums by clicking on the members name which brings up an option to send a pm but it doesn't work on here for some reason so an email is the other option.

Cheers Steve

74 MOD BMW rear end transplant with LSD,External belt driven water pump
Bill.B Posted - 24/01/2011 : 22:34:36
Thanks Chris,Iam not to hot on forums so you will have to excuse me when I ask what is PM Regards Bill
V Mad Posted - 23/01/2011 : 23:15:48
Hi Bill
I would be glad to talk you through how to fit your cover (it takes too long to write it all down). I will PM my contact details.

Chris (Surrey KT area, UK)
Stag 1978 Auto; Twin Weber, Custom Header tank.
Sunbeam Tiger 260 V8. 1965
Stagdad Posted - 22/01/2011 : 19:24:50
Welcome Bill ,Chris (Vmad) is your man for hood problems,Hopefully he be along soon althought this forum isn't getting much traffic at the moment.You could try emailing or pm ing him.

Cheers Steve

74 MOD BMW rear end transplant,External belt driven water pump

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