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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tonygp Posted - 06/01/2009 : 22:15:40

Had stood for 20 years road tax ran out oct 1988 have disc !! described as needing no welding whatsoever guess what? it doesent!!! cleaned carbs new fuel and battery started!! fitted with rover sd1 and lt77 5 speed soon to have 3.9 efi range rover
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tonygp Posted - 07/01/2009 : 18:04:14
going back white car will be finished end of march or before back from paint at weekend engine in sunday then a careful rebuild and a new mohair to be honest cant wait! didnt mention its reg march 1973 build date is december 18 1972 so its tax exempt il feel good about not paying mr brown his tax!!!
lewy Posted - 07/01/2009 : 09:49:11
Looks good Tony, I'm looking forward to seeing the range rover engine in place. I thought mine needed little welding until I lifted the carpets and seats and found holes all over the place... getting these welded up in the next few weeks, I only get chance to work on it at weekends so my project is taking time, but I know it will have all been done properly when I get it finished. What colour are you respraying, back in white?


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